Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dog With An Attitude

Enoch is our middle doxie. He is the one with an enormous attitude. It doesn't matter what size or what kind of dog comes around he is going to be the "big cheese". You have to really watch him when you go walking. He wants to growl and attack all the dogs. I was walking in front of our house when I saw a big dog scrambling down the street and Enoch was chasing him! Once he tried to attack a pit bull. Duh?

Enoch has also been the sickly one of the bunch. He is also the only one we "bought". (go figure) He is one expensive dog. The vet told me that dapples have a tendency to have health problems because of the breeding to get the dapple look. Enoch is now on allergy shots and he has lost hair growth. We thought we might lose him when he had trouble with his back. Meds worked on him and he is back to his spunky self. He must have cage rest for 2/3 hours a day if possible.

I love this little fiesty fellow. He is my little kisser and singer of the three. He loves his toys and will bring them to me to play. If one doesn't work, he will bring another! What a guy.


1 comment:

  1. Isn't that ironic? The dogs that I've purchased have been so messed up. It's karma. We're not supposed to buy dogs, so we're being punished. I will forever adopt instead of buying. Besides, they shouldn't be treated like a purse or something. I'm so glad Enoch came through the whole back drama! Great post Phis!
