Friday, May 8, 2009

Dazzling In Red

The tropical hibiscus is a stunning performer for the avid gardener. The great thing about this plant is that it doesn't require a green thumb to put on a show. This plant does well in a large pot with watering and fertilizer (Miracle Grow). If you forget to water it and it looks droopy, simply drench it with water and "whalla" it perks back up. It may drop a few leaves; however, the plant is OK. The tree variety (especially the braided trunks) are great for the flower bed. It gives the yard a rich and stunning look.
The plant comes in the most vibrant colors ranging from blood red, white, bubblegum pink, pale pink, bright yellow, and my favorite--salmon. The blooms can be single or double. I prefer the single because the colors appear more brilliant. The blooms, however, only last one day. But so what! The plant continues to bloom until the fall.
Gardening with Phiss