Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rocks, Rocks, and More Rocks

Rocks are a great way to add character to your flower beds. When choosing a rock to display, you need to keep a couple of things in mind. Shape, color, size, and character should be considered. The key is to place the rock so that it can be seen. Don't hide the rock. Give it room, give it air.


The more odd the shape, the better. Look for ways to place the rock so that it compliments the plant. Try to work the rock around the plant or offset the plant.

Rocks that twist and turn, holes, or sharp points are as eye-catching as a beautiful plant.

It is great to see a plant rise through a hole in a rock.


Rocks come in all colors! Red, purple, pink, blue, green, you name it. They are out there.

Rocks of color can be found along the highways. I was able to get green and purple rocks in New Mexico. It's exciting to spot a rock, pull over, dodge traffic and hold up your treasure for all to see! You should see the back of our car. Rocks are more exciting to find than walking a crowded mall. I guarantee it! (Sounds like Men's Warehouse)

Quartz and pink granite are down in the hill country of Texas. I get my brother to bring me back rocks from his hunting trips. He has brought me real treasures. Colored rocks among green foliage are fabulous for those shaded areas.


Rocks of all sizes can be used. Large rocks are hard to cart around; therefore, pick your spot wisely the first time! Tall rocks look great lined up with the pole of a fence or in the middle of a window. Dan brought me this mammoth rock from the hill country. I don't know how he did it; but he did. It's a real beauty.
Large round rocks are great under the foliage of a bush.
Be sure and cut back the lower limbs so that the rock can be seen.

Look for rocks that talk to you. You may have to break down and buy character rocks. These can be hard to get.
A long white rock that looks like a loaf of bread.

A rock that has a depression created by water.

A rock that has a hidden treasure.

One of my favorites is the turtle rock.
The pattern looks like the shell of a turtle.

When picking out rocks, take your time...better yet, spend some time among the hills, along a freeway (make sure it is legal to take them), or down a dry river bed. It is amazing what you can find. Become a geologist!

Auntie Phiss


  1. I like the curvy ones, the big tall one, and the turtle rock! But a geologist? No... What I remember about geology from school is that it was pretty boring to me!

  2. I'm sure glad you explained that Danny brought you the large rock, because I really couldn't see you stopping by the side of the road and throwing that one in your trunk! you have very unique collection there. What is the hidden treasure in the fossil?

  3. Ness Ness,

    I assume it is another rock nestled or trapped in the larger rock. I think it is pretty cool looking.


  4. Very cool post. You bring it back to basics. I love it!
