Friday, June 19, 2009

Mexican Rose

The Mexican Rose is a beautiful perennial plant; however, it takes a special place for it to be at its best. It likes filtered morning sun. It can also tolerate filtered sun in the afternoon. I find that direct sunlight causes it to droop and become skanty-looking. Ugh deluxe!
My best plants grow under taller bushes and my wisteria. If you have such a place that needs something to grow...the Mexican Rose is your plant. The blooms are a brilliant pink that sparkle and shine. The bloom is actually about 30-50 small, star-like blooms that cluster. The plant has beautiful large leaves which allows it to be attractive even when it isn't in bloom. You do need to know that this plant mulitiplies by underground runners. Therefore, it can be very invasive! But, this allows you to share without any threat of losing your own beautiful bounty. I simply go throughout the area and discard unwanted small plants. If you wait too long, it is difficult to pull up by hand!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those are amazing blooms! Nice write-up, Philly!
