Tuesday, June 23, 2009



What a fabulous day today with Mark and Leah. I like to put different kinds of kritters in my flower beds. They add color and character to the backyard. I have collected them for many years. Mom, dad, and my family have helped me build my collection. So Bingo! Make a game for the kids...."Kids and Kritters". It turned out to be a great success.

The kids are ready to get started. Look at the prize bag! Wow!

I marched them to the table to the goodies blowing my paper horn. You know I must have looked like a crazy woman in the backyard. I say "Deal With It!" I am having too much fun. Mark is willing to play along...Leah wasn't so sure about it all. So, Mommy had to be at her side. That's OK. Mommy can have fun too (plus help a little). Each kid was given a list of kritters to find in the yard. (Mom and I instructed which flower bed)

Off they go!

I followed around with a silly blow-horn for success and a marker to check off the box. Do you know how loud those things can be? I bet the neighbors wondered what was going on in that backyard. It's a wonder the dogs didn't start howling down the street.


The grins and hollers showered throughout the game. Leah got braver and more excited as the game proceeded. Hopping from one flower bed to the next, posing, and smiling for Auntie Phiss.

As each one found their next kritter, they would quickly let me know and I would coming running (yeah), blow the horn in excitement, and mark off the box. Mark made sure I marked off his box!

"I found it."

"I think I found it. "

Here it is!

We had to let the kids know what some of the kritters looked like. Once they knew, they would begin to search. Leah would come running across the lawn letting me know she had found her kritter!

He ain't heavy, he's my froggie!

Did you say a lizard?


Mark doesn't have a tiger by the tail; but, he sure did get that lizard...way to go Mark!
Mark and his lizard.

Leah was proud when she found her mosquito. She come running across the yard to let me know "I found the makito."

The Makito and Leah

Leah was such a cutie pie. She and mommy did such a good job in finding her critters. Danell would let her pass them up and tell her to go back and look again. Then she would find it and pose for her Auntie Phiss. What a sweet little girl...just like her mommy!

Mommy gently guiding Leah to her next find!

In the picture to the right, Leah finally found the flat turtle. As usual, I wanted a picture. She let me know she would stand on the rock for her pose. Watch out world -- here comes...

"Leah, Queen of the Rock!"

At last, they have found all of the the critters on their list. Now it is prize time! The game is over and we can get out of this hot sun. I don't think the kids cared at all. They were having too much fun; plus, there was that big prize waiting for them.

Winner takes all...even if there are two!

Mark, Leah, Danell .....thanks for such a wonderful day! It was great fun!

Auntie Phiss

PS. Tomorrow's post will be about the prizes.


  1. The kids had a lot of fun! Your game was perfect for them, what a brilliant idea! They were still talking about it later, and playing with their prizes. Great pictures, and great story, thank you :)

  2. A very good Auntey thing to do.

    They loved it and will remember it.

    Good idea Phyllis, keep it up.

    I appreciate your thoughtfullness.


  3. I can imagine how fun that must have been for everyone. I am impressed! Beautiful post. Thank you.

  4. What a wonderful Aunt. Sounds like so much fun. I WANT TO PLAY!
