Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ready Or Not---Here I Clean!

Ugh! Yuck! Disgusting! Gross!

These are only a few of the words that we use when faced with a "dirty" situation unexpectedly. How can I possibly attack that gut-wrenching filth! I am talking about the corners of the bathroom, the top of the icebox, the inside of the microwave or the stains in the dishwasher. I especially hate the "sticky" spots on the cabinet doors. Those unseen, hidden horrors that hold untold thousands of microscopic germs.

I heard a few hints on the TV once and couldn't remember them...old people should write things down. SoI do the only thing possible, get on the internet. Stop! Listen! It's superman! No, no, no! man can clean like a woman...face it! If you don't believe me, just go and visit a deer lease. Talk about gross...don't even go there.

I found a very good website called Mrs. Clean and here is the link.

The lemons work extremely well in cleaning the microwave.

I'll let you know about the vinegar in the dishwasher. There are other solutions for the dishwasher that I can try if the vinegar can't cut it. So many possibilities...Don't worry I'm still NOT going to become that incredible "Ultimate Little Miss Housekeeper". I like my puppies too much to keep them outside!

Woody, Jacob and Enoch

Girls, I think you will really enjoy using it. Can you believe it? Auntie Phiss actually did something technological for you?

Auntie Phis


  1. Hey! Great job!! Hopefully the vinegar worked for you, I have used it to remove mineral deposits in my tea kettle, etc... It did a great job. A common item I've found works wonders in many different situations? BAKING SODA... I love to clean and deodorize with it :)

  2. PHYLLIS!!! Thank you. I'm so impressed with the web site you found. I'm so intimidated with housecleaning, and going from 650 square feet to over 2200 is totally giving me the heebie-jeebies. I need all the helpful information i can get, and especially the CHEAP solutions. Dogs will forever be in my life, and I'm not gonna keep them totally indoors or totally outdoors, so I gotta get used to the extra housecleaning that comes along with having them be my "kids." I know that vinegar is great at getting pee smell out of carpet. Oh, drinking apple cider vinegar is very healthy to drink too. But very very yucky. Looking forward to more posts like this! Love it.
