Thursday, October 8, 2009


Dad and I listen to the Bible tapes at night. I like to lay on the floor and prop my Bible up against the bottom step. Go figure...I just think it is comfortable. The puppies' wooden bed lays next to me and I will occasionally reach over and caress one of the puppies.

Regal Jacob stakes out his own domain.
As I lay there, I looked over and couldn't believe what I saw. All three of the puppies were piled in the bed! This wasn't so strange as the WAY they were piled on top of each other. It was just a hoot! I had to take pictures and share with my family.

He ain't heavy...he's my brother!
Hope you don't get too jealous of the trio that belongs to ME!
Auntie Phiss

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Beauty In A Basket

Incredible Beauty

I have been pleasantly surprised at the beauty of this particular basket of flowers. My baby brother always gets me a gift certificate from Lowe's every Christmas. I do the same for him. We both like our plants!

I wait until the spring/summer to buy my plants so I can enjoy the flowers. At one time I had around 30 hanging baskets. That was when I had the time and energy. Now I have only about 5. This past spring I saw a hanging basket that was extremely pretty in color and shape; therefore, I bought it. It would look great under the pecan tree in the backyard. I was sooooo proud of it.

I proceeded to hang it in the tree when I got home and......BOOM! It fell to the ground! I was crushed by the terrible destruction caused to one side of the plant. The stems were mutilated! And the stupid plant wasn't even cheap. I took the broken stems and just stuck them back into the plant...oh well, if it grew ok...if not I will just pluck them out and throw them away. The poor thing was lopsided now and not so pretty. I forgot about the broken stems and would forget to water the thing. Poor plant it was negelected. I would see it drooping and go drown the thing. IT SURVIVED! It is still lopsided, but pretty.

Man, I hope the plant survives the winter. It is a real gem of a plant if it can make it through my poor attention this summer. I would recommend the plant to you....but I don't even know what it is!
Auntie Phiss

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Enoch's Just Too Cute!

The lady that takes care of Dad during the day likes to tell me the cute things that the "babies" get into every day. She told me that Enoch had begun to crawl into the pillow case during the day for his nap. I just couldn't believe how cute he must look!
Daniel made me a "doggie" bed for my babies. It is wood and a regular size pillow fits perfectly in the bottom. You couldn't ask for anything more "kingly" for my boys. Yes, those are teeth marks on the bed; however, it just gives it more character.
The bed allows one to stretch out...

two to cuddle...
and three is a crowd.

They really do love their bed. They will hang their head over the edge and just snooze away. They really like the vent next to their bed. It keeps them cool during the summer and warm during the winter.
But let's get back to puppy, spotty-dog, the one and only attitude boy of the trio. He will crawl under the pillow case and take a nap. If anyone comes and tries to lay in the bed, he will give his "don't even think about it" growl. What a dictator!

But I must admit, he's just too cute!

Auntie Phiss

Saturday, September 19, 2009



This wonderful rain has really made things burst with growth and color.
The yellow-green potato vine is one of my favorite plants as an additive to any yard. It spreads and twines throughout the area adding a unique spot of brilliant color to an otherwise dull place. After this rain, my potato vine has really taken off! It is just too pretty.

Another neat plant is my "lettuce" plant. I have no earthly idea what it really is, but I like it. It has dark crinkled green leaves and it is a real survivor. It my droop to the ground, but if you will give it a good watering, it perks right back up. It has been awhile since I have seen it bloom, but WHALA...after the rain I noticed the blooms. I had begun to think I had dreamed that they bloomed!
Well, I hope that everyone has enjoyed the enjoy the sunshine for awhile!
Auntie Phiss

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Texas trash has been a tradition in our family for many years and it has been my pleasure to make it for the gang each family gathering...Christmas, New Year's, July 4th, etc. It has been fun trying different cereals and snacks to make the ultimate trash.

However, I became very ill one night and now the smell of trash makes my stomach churn. Therefore, I am sharing my terrific receipe with my precious nieces. Maybe one day I will be able to make it again.


1 cup of pretzels
1 cup of gold fish
1 cup of honey sesame squares (Nut Vending Company)
1 cup of honey roasted nuts (pecans and cashews from the Nut Vending Company)
6 cups of cereal (I try to get honey cereal as well as the traditional Chex)


5 Tbs of butter
4 Tbs of Seasoning (3 Tbs if you don't want it too salty)
8 Tbs of Worcheshire Sauce

Melt the butter and stir in the seasoning and Worcheshire Sauce. Pour over the cereal mix and stir completely so that mix is coated.

Heat the oven to 250 degrees and bake for 1 hour. Stir every 15 minutes!

Pour on paper towels and let it cool.

Auntie Phiss

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ready Or Not---Here I Clean!

Ugh! Yuck! Disgusting! Gross!

These are only a few of the words that we use when faced with a "dirty" situation unexpectedly. How can I possibly attack that gut-wrenching filth! I am talking about the corners of the bathroom, the top of the icebox, the inside of the microwave or the stains in the dishwasher. I especially hate the "sticky" spots on the cabinet doors. Those unseen, hidden horrors that hold untold thousands of microscopic germs.

I heard a few hints on the TV once and couldn't remember them...old people should write things down. SoI do the only thing possible, get on the internet. Stop! Listen! It's superman! No, no, no! man can clean like a woman...face it! If you don't believe me, just go and visit a deer lease. Talk about gross...don't even go there.

I found a very good website called Mrs. Clean and here is the link.

The lemons work extremely well in cleaning the microwave.

I'll let you know about the vinegar in the dishwasher. There are other solutions for the dishwasher that I can try if the vinegar can't cut it. So many possibilities...Don't worry I'm still NOT going to become that incredible "Ultimate Little Miss Housekeeper". I like my puppies too much to keep them outside!

Woody, Jacob and Enoch

Girls, I think you will really enjoy using it. Can you believe it? Auntie Phiss actually did something technological for you?

Auntie Phis

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Branson Vacation Part 6

What A Fake!

Patsy and I went around Branson shopping and taking pictures. We saw this beautiful butterfly at the entrance of Dolly Parton's place. Throughout Branson you can see beautiful gardens and displays of flowers. I just had to get a picture of this display.

We pulled up into the drive, stopped and took our picture! As I drew closer....What?....No Way!...What a Cop Out!....Deceitful.....Plastic Flowers? Phooey---Fake!

Hmmmmm ....wonder what else is fake?

Auntie Phiss

Saturday, August 15, 2009


This scene was too cute not to post. This is Enoch and Woody in Dad's bed. When we go to bed at night, the puppies have already found their spot and is waiting on Dad. He absolutely loves it.

Jacob likes to snuggle under Dad's arm and naturally Dad has to have me get a picture.

I call Enoch my little "Arabian Night". He likes to flip the sheets and squiggle under the covers. He is too cute.

Woody is the love of my life (he reminds me of my Amos) and I think you can see why! Here he is all comfy on Momma's quilt. I don't mind at all.
Try and not to be too jealous of my babies!
Auntie Phiss

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Branson Vacation Part 5

Veteran's Memorial Garden

One of the most beautiful sights on our vacation was the Veternan's Garden located on Highway 76. It wasn't huge; but, it was beautiful! I had to make more than one try to get these pictures because of it's location on the busiest road in Branson.
The huge pink blossoms seen in the photo above are called Rose Mallow. These are prennial and come in white, pink, bubblegum pink, and red. (The red ones can be seen in the first photo.) These blooms can be as large as a dinner plate!
The beautiful butterflies come in all color patterns and were found at the Butterfly Palace and rainforest. I didn't bother to even look to see how much they were!
This last photo shows an array of lilies grouped within the garden. Among the lilies you can see monkey grass and rock ledges. It was a tremendous view on that corner lot. After viewing this display, no corner lot should be a display of broken glass, Johnson grass, etc. It just takes a little planning and work.
Congratulations Branson on a job well done!
Auntie Phiss

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Branson Vacation -- Part 4

Branson Terror!

Have you ever got something between your teeth and couldn't get it out? Have you ever used one of these little "super gadgets" to get at that elusive, obnoxious, frustrating, and super stuck food particle? Well, I never could stand to hear someone click, suck, snick, or "whatever" sound
that is to get food particles from between their teeth. I especially hate it when someone takes a knife at the table and pick at their teeth! SUPER UGH!!!!

While on vacation, I had the horrible experience of getting something stuck, really stuck between my teeth. I tried and tried to get it out. No luck. Do you have a toothpick! Aunt Wanda didn't have a toothpick; but, she had the "super gadget". I quickly accepted the "unused" gadget and begin to saw away. I sawed and pulled. Sawed and pulled. What is wrong? It wouldn't pull out! I worked at it and still it was stuck!
This little instrument is NOT a super is a criminal terror! It has the potential to embarrass an honest citizen, scare a debutant, and do injury to a poor unsuspecting consumer. Can you image the injury this little devil could do? Especially if the string sliced your gum and the pick hung in your nose! Thank goodness I got it out without either tragedy happening to this old girl.
Intelligent product deductions from Auntie Phiss

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Branson Vacation Part 3

Scenic Branson Railroad Tour

Here we are waiting to load the train. They called us in
order of our purchased ticket.

Dad trying to walk down a narrow aisle .... getting a seat.

One of the fun trips that Dad was able to enjoy was the scenic railroad trip. The trip took us out to the mountains. The train was a double decker. We sat on the lower level due to Dad's ability to climb up the steps. The conductors were so friendly and helpful. Our conductor was an absolute hoot and very knowledgeable. I think we got the best of the group.

The train took us through the forests and tunnels and lasted about one hour. There was very little space between us and the forest and rock. At the end of the trip we stopped and had a beautiful view of the top of the mountains. As we looked down, we had the pleasure of
viewing a momma deer and her baby!

(Can you spot them in the second picture?)

Don't you know this is beautiful in the fall!
The car that we rode in was spacious and comfortable. We were able to move the seats as we liked in order to get the best view. On the return trip, the people in our car changed sides so that each could get a different view. The people were older that was in our car and we had a very enjoyable time. That talked with Dad about World War II and he had a great time.
If you want something to do that is relaxing, take this scenic tour.
Auntie Phiss

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Branson Vacation Part 2

Butterfly Palace and Rainforest

On one of our excursions, Patsy and I went to the Butterfly Palace and Rainforest. (If you look closely at the picture you can see three huge metal butterflies.) It was a beautiful building that was three levels high. The top level housed the butterflies, the second level the rainforest exhibit, and the lower level the gift shop. The exhibit proceeding in three steps.

Step One - Introduction

Included a short film (like the Omni in 3-D) on the life of a butterfly. It was so cool. We had some children in our group that totally had fun. In one part of the film butterflies appeared to fly from the screen and into the audience. The children would put out their hands to catch the butterflies! We then received specific intructions on behavior and safety for the butterflies before went went through the doors. We had to go into a holding area first, then proceed into the butterfly sanctuary. We had to insure that the butterflies did not get loose.

Step Two - Butterfly Sancutary

In this area you could experience beautiful flora, birds and butterflies. The flowers, of course, caught my attention. Some of the flowers I had never seen.

You also saw beautiful and so, so, cute birds. One bird ran around on the ground and amongst the flower beds and it was so tempting to pick them up and cuddle them. They ranged from brown speckled to white. I was told that we didn't dare pick them up because as a defense the little birds would drop all of their feathers! The birds would grow their feathers back; however, they didn't want a bunch of naked birds running around.

Then of course all of the beautiful butterflies. I know Patsy got tired of waiting for me as I waited for the perfect moment to snap my camera. (Thanks for the camera Danell!) The butterflies ranged in all sizes and colors. My favorite was the green patched butterfly.

Step 3 - Tropical Rainforest

I will have to admit that this was not very impressive. The reptiles where in glass cases rather than out in an open rainforest area. However, the reptiles were pretty cool looking. Especially the one that was a long salamander/lizard type with an extraordinary flat tail.
I am glad that we visited this place. However, I must admit that I like butterflies, flowers, and creatures. It is a great place for kids to visit and enjoy nature up close and personal.
Auntie Phiss